Important Registration Update
Registrations for Season 24/25 will open on the 1st August. The link will go live at 9am.
Please take the time to read through all of the details below prior to registering.
Registrations for Season 24/25 will open on the 1st August. The link will go live at 9am.
Please take the time to read through all of the details below prior to registering.
Port Hacking LAC runs Centre competitions on Saturday mornings starting 7.45am Saturday mornings.
We have a 2 week program where athletes compete in 4-7 events each week. Every event for the age group - sprints, hurdles, long distance, jumps, throws are run over the 2 week program.
Competition finishes when all events are completed depending on age group.
Parents are required to perform a duty every second week (No experience necessary). Completing a parent agreement completes the registration process (please note athletes will not receive results/points if parents do not complete their rostered duty or organise a make up duty). We have special events throughout the season where athletes compete at zone, region and state.
Note: Families will not receive online results or be added to mailing lists until birth certificates are sighted and the parent agreement form is completed.
Port Hacking LAC runs Centre competitions on Saturday mornings starting 7.45am Saturday mornings.
We have a 2 week program where athletes compete in 4-7 events each week. Every event for the age group - sprints, hurdles, long distance, jumps, throws are run over the 2 week program.
Competition finishes when all events are completed depending on age group.
Parents are required to perform a duty every second week (No experience necessary). Completing a parent agreement completes the registration process (please note athletes will not receive results/points if parents do not complete their rostered duty or organise a make up duty). We have special events throughout the season where athletes compete at zone, region and state.
Note: Families will not receive online results or be added to mailing lists until birth certificates are sighted and the parent agreement form is completed.
If you would like to carry out a trial, please come and see us at the track to discuss further on our registration days listed below. Trails will be offered for 2 weeks and cost $20 "cash only". This cost will be refunded to you if you register with PHLAC.
Trials commence from week 3 - Saturday 21st September.
We will not be having any visitors in 24/25 due to the transition and partnership merger ocuring.
Age Groupings
Children are divided into Age Groups from Tiny Tots to Under 20 according to the age of the child born between the 1st January to the 31st December. To determine which age group your child qualifies for, please visit the age grouping section.
Before registering for Little Athletics decide if you want to use an Active Kids voucher to subsidise the fees.
Ensure that you have registered for your Active Kids voucher before registering your child for Little Athletics.
For further information on the Active Kids vouchers please visit Service NSW website here.
Registering and payment is easy and can only be done online. You can register at any time throughout the season. However dependant on registration numbers, there could be a cut off for a particular age group. So get in early.
Please bring a copy of your receipt to the track on one of the registration days, before competition begins, or on any Saturday morning on commencement of our season, to pick up your registration number and age patch.
Online registration fees for the 2024/2025 season:
Please ensure you register for Team App as this will be our primary mode of communication.
To register for Team App you do not need to know your member number just yet, just put 0 in this field for now and then update this later. Please ensure you select the correct age group.
Once you have registered for the season and completed your online parent agreement, you can collect your registration number and age patch from the track on the following days at times:
Note: Registration numbers are allocated sequentially on a first come first served basis, we cannot allocate athletes a particular number.
All registrations must provide proof of age, so bring along either their Birth Certificate or current passport when picking up your Registration number.
Can be viewed and purchased separately at the track on the registration days above. There may be a delay with the delivery of the uniforms, so please ensure you order them as soon as possible. However, If you already know sizing and wish to purchase one of the uniforms now, you can do so from visiting our uniform manufacturer here.
The available shorts are not compulsory, plain black shorts/short bike tights are acceptable.
Registration Queries
[email protected]
If you would like to carry out a trial, please come and see us at the track to discuss further on our registration days listed below. Trails will be offered for 2 weeks and cost $20 "cash only". This cost will be refunded to you if you register with PHLAC.
Trials commence from week 3 - Saturday 21st September.
We will not be having any visitors in 24/25 due to the transition and partnership merger ocuring.
Age Groupings
Children are divided into Age Groups from Tiny Tots to Under 20 according to the age of the child born between the 1st January to the 31st December. To determine which age group your child qualifies for, please visit the age grouping section.
Before registering for Little Athletics decide if you want to use an Active Kids voucher to subsidise the fees.
Ensure that you have registered for your Active Kids voucher before registering your child for Little Athletics.
For further information on the Active Kids vouchers please visit Service NSW website here.
Registering and payment is easy and can only be done online. You can register at any time throughout the season. However dependant on registration numbers, there could be a cut off for a particular age group. So get in early.
Please bring a copy of your receipt to the track on one of the registration days, before competition begins, or on any Saturday morning on commencement of our season, to pick up your registration number and age patch.
Online registration fees for the 2024/2025 season:
- $160
- $120 (Tiny Tots)
Please ensure you register for Team App as this will be our primary mode of communication.
To register for Team App you do not need to know your member number just yet, just put 0 in this field for now and then update this later. Please ensure you select the correct age group.
Once you have registered for the season and completed your online parent agreement, you can collect your registration number and age patch from the track on the following days at times:
- Saturday 24th August 2024: 9-11am
- Tuesday 27th August 2024: 4-6pm
- Saturday 31st August 2024: 9-11am
Note: Registration numbers are allocated sequentially on a first come first served basis, we cannot allocate athletes a particular number.
All registrations must provide proof of age, so bring along either their Birth Certificate or current passport when picking up your Registration number.
Can be viewed and purchased separately at the track on the registration days above. There may be a delay with the delivery of the uniforms, so please ensure you order them as soon as possible. However, If you already know sizing and wish to purchase one of the uniforms now, you can do so from visiting our uniform manufacturer here.
The available shorts are not compulsory, plain black shorts/short bike tights are acceptable.
Registration Queries
[email protected]