Little Athletics NSW believes that young people involved in sport have a right to participate in a safe and supportive environment. Over-zealous parents and adults, and ill-tempered, disrespectful athletes, sometimes need to be reminded of appropriate standards of behaviour for Little Athletics.
The LANSW Code of Conduct and Behaviour Guidelines applies to all members of the Port Hacking Little Athletics community including any adults and all visitors attending an event for any reason.
Australians are justifiably proud of the place sport has in their daily lives. But what is equally important to us all is the way the “game” is played and the manner in which our sportsmen and sportswomen conduct themselves. Unfortunately, some people (both participants and spectators) fail to live up to the traditional values of sport. Young people involved in sport have a right to participate in a safe and supportive environment. Over‐zealous parents and adults, and ill‐tempered, disrespectful athletes, sometimes need to be reminded of appropriate standards of behaviour for Little Athletics.
Codes of Conduct
Little Athletics is a community activity, which utilises athletics to help foster the development of Australia’s children, and as such, endorses and applies the following Codes of Conduct.
The principles of natural justice will be observed when making decisions on breaches of the Codes of Conduct and in deciding any penalties for such breaches. Any penalties that are imposed are to be appropriate to the seriousness of the breach.
Penalties for breaches of the Codes of Conduct that occur at events conducted by the LANSW that are confined to the day of competition shall be determined by the Carnival Manager. Penalties that go beyond the day of competition shall be determined by the Board of Management and could include banning families from future participation in the sport.
Behaviour Guidelines
These Behavioural Guidelines aim to give everyone a guide to what is expected of them if they are part of Little Athletics, be it participating, volunteering or standing on the sideline cheering for their child, relative or friend. The guidelines set down what is an acceptable standard of conduct and behaviour and reflect the principles upon which Little Athletics is based.
Parents, Relatives and Spectators
The LANSW Code of Conduct and Behaviour Guidelines applies to all members of the Port Hacking Little Athletics community including any adults and all visitors attending an event for any reason.
Australians are justifiably proud of the place sport has in their daily lives. But what is equally important to us all is the way the “game” is played and the manner in which our sportsmen and sportswomen conduct themselves. Unfortunately, some people (both participants and spectators) fail to live up to the traditional values of sport. Young people involved in sport have a right to participate in a safe and supportive environment. Over‐zealous parents and adults, and ill‐tempered, disrespectful athletes, sometimes need to be reminded of appropriate standards of behaviour for Little Athletics.
Codes of Conduct
Little Athletics is a community activity, which utilises athletics to help foster the development of Australia’s children, and as such, endorses and applies the following Codes of Conduct.
- Never ridicule or yell at an athlete for making a mistake during a competition.
- Respect the officials’ decisions. If there is a disagreement, always follow the appropriate procedure/s in order to question the decision.
- Never use violence, threats or abuse in any form.
- Keep to designated spectator areas and do not encroach on the arena or other competition sites if you are not officiating.
- Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour, by not harassing athletes, coaches, officials or spectators, smoking outside designated areas, being intoxicated or using bad language.
- Ensure that any physical contact with a young person is appropriate to the situation and/or necessary for the athlete’s skill development.
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all athletes and officials, regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
- Do not bring the sport of Little Athletics into disrepute.
- Show respect to coaches and officials. Any approach to an official should be in a courteous manner. Never argue with an official.
- Control your temper ‐ no“mouthing off’’, throwing equipment etc.
- Never verbally abuse or sledge other athletes, deliberately distract or provoke another athlete.
- Do not bully or harm another athlete.
- Do not use bad language or obscene gestures at any time.
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all athletes and officials, regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
- Do not bring the sport of Little Athletics into disrepute.
The principles of natural justice will be observed when making decisions on breaches of the Codes of Conduct and in deciding any penalties for such breaches. Any penalties that are imposed are to be appropriate to the seriousness of the breach.
Penalties for breaches of the Codes of Conduct that occur at events conducted by the LANSW that are confined to the day of competition shall be determined by the Carnival Manager. Penalties that go beyond the day of competition shall be determined by the Board of Management and could include banning families from future participation in the sport.
Behaviour Guidelines
These Behavioural Guidelines aim to give everyone a guide to what is expected of them if they are part of Little Athletics, be it participating, volunteering or standing on the sideline cheering for their child, relative or friend. The guidelines set down what is an acceptable standard of conduct and behaviour and reflect the principles upon which Little Athletics is based.
Parents, Relatives and Spectators
- Remember that young people are involved in Little Athletics for their enjoyment, not yours.
- Encourage children to participate, do not force them.
- Focus on the child's efforts and performance rather than winning or losing.
- Encourage athletes to always participate according to the rules.
- Applaud good performances and efforts from all competitors.
- Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from Little Athletics. Condemn the use of violence in any form, whether it is by spectators, coaches, officials or athletes.
- Recognise the value and importance of being a volunteer.
- Respect officials' decisions and teach young people to do likewise. Remember, officials freely give their time and effort for your child’s involvement and enjoyment.
- Show appreciation for volunteer coaches, officials and administrators. Without them, your child could not participate.
- Compete according to the rules.
- Work equally hard for yourself and/or your Centre.
- Always address officials in a polite manner.
- Be a good sport. Acknowledge all good results, whether they are made by your Centre or friends or an athlete from another Centre.
- Only cheer good performances, not when other competitors make an error or don’t perform well.
- Treat other competitors with respect.
- Do not act smart or ‘cocky’.
- Treat all athletes as you like to be treated. Do not bully or take unfair advantage of another competitor.
- Cooperate with your coach, Centre‐mates and other competitors. Without them there would be no competition.
- Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit, not just to please parents and coaches.
- Remember that all that is ever requested of you is to “BE YOUR BEST”.
- Officiate according to the rules and where subjective judgment is necessary decide on the basis of what is fair to all athletes. Be impartial.
- Be consistent, objective and courteous when making decisions.
- Avoid any situation which may be perceived as a conflict of interest.
- Accept responsibility for all actions taken. If you make a mistake, admit it.
- Condemn unsporting behaviour and promote respect for all competitors.
- Emphasise the spirit of the competition rather than the errors. Do not ‘over officiate’.
- Ensure that your behaviour and comments are always positive and supportive.
- Keep up to date with the latest trends in officiating and the principles of growth and development of young people.
- Place the safety and welfare of the athletes above all else.
- Remember that young people participate for fun and enjoyment and winning is only part of their motivation.
- Be reasonable in your demands on the young athlete’s time, energy and enthusiasm.
- Operate within the rules and spirit of Little Athletics and teach your athletes to do the same.
- Ensure that the time athletes spend with you is a positive experience. All young people are deserving of equal attention and opportunities.
- Avoid over‐attention to the talented athletes; the ‘just‐average’ need and deserve equal time.
- Ensure that equipment and facilities meet relevant safety standards and are appropriate to the age and ability of all athletes.
- Display control, respect and professionalism to all involved with Little Athletics. Encourage athletes to do the same.
- Explain to athletes and their parents what you are aiming to achieve and why.
- Show concern and caution toward sick and injured athletes. Follow medical advice when determining whether an injured athlete is ready to recommence training and competition.
- Obtain suitable qualifications and keep up to date with the latest coaching practices and the principles of growth and development of young people.
- Ensure all young people have equal opportunities for participation.
- Ensure that rules and equipment are modified to suit the age, ability and maturity level of athletes and that equipment and facilities are safe.
- Provide quality supervision and instruction.
- Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealings.
- Resolve conflicts fairly and promptly through established procedures.
- Remember that young people participate for their enjoyment and benefit. Do not overemphasise awards.
- Support the efforts of coaches and officials and help improve the standards of coaching and officiating.
- Involve, where appropriate, members in planning, leadership, evaluation and decision making related to the actual activity.
- Ensure that everyone involved in Little Athletics emphasises ‘fair play’ and not winning at all costs.
- Develop Codes of Conduct and Behavioural Guidelines and encourage everyone to follow them.
- Make it clear that abusing young people in any way is unacceptable and will result in reporting and appropriate disciplinary action.