ThrowsRay (0406 354 564)
Andrew M (0410 691 014)
High Jump / Triple Jump / Long JumpKaren and Izobelle (0414 386 000)
Please contact coaches prior to attending any session for the first time.
For all queries on coaching please contact Head Coach Ray on 0406 354 564.
All sessions are free from the 2nd Sept up until the 29th Sept.
- A fee will be charged from this point forward and managed directly by the coaches.
1. Coaching will not be held if it is raining or if it is a Public Holiday.
2. All athletes must bring suitable footwear i.e. joggers for warming up and spikes if you have them.
3. Suitable clothing must be worn i.e. bike pants, T-shirt, track suit, etc.
4. All athletes must bring water or a sports drink to consume before, during and after training.
5. A light snack should be brought to be consumed within 20 mins of completion of training.
6. Do not train if sick.
7. A proper warm up and cool down is important to avoid injury, therefore, please arrive on time and let the coach know if you need to leave early.
8. Bring a towel.
9. Coaching during Christmas School Holidays to be advised.
1. Coaching will not be held if it is raining or if it is a Public Holiday.
2. All athletes must bring suitable footwear i.e. joggers for warming up and spikes if you have them.
3. Suitable clothing must be worn i.e. bike pants, T-shirt, track suit, etc.
4. All athletes must bring water or a sports drink to consume before, during and after training.
5. A light snack should be brought to be consumed within 20 mins of completion of training.
6. Do not train if sick.
7. A proper warm up and cool down is important to avoid injury, therefore, please arrive on time and let the coach know if you need to leave early.
8. Bring a towel.
9. Coaching during Christmas School Holidays to be advised.